Korean Drama 2013

100 Year Legacy

Title: 백년의 유산 / 100 Year Legacy
Chinese Title: 百年的遺產
Also known as: One Hundred Year’s Legacy / A Hundred Year’s Inheritance
Previouly Known as: 삼대째 국수집 / Third Generation Noodle House
Genre: Family, Romance
Episodes: 50
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2013-Jan-05 to 2013-June-23

Queen of Ambition
Title: 야왕 / Queen of Ambition
Chinese Title: 野王
Also Known as: Yawang / Night King / Wild King
Genre: Melodrama, Romance
Episodes: 24
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2013-Jan-14 to 2013-Apr-02

Level 7 Civil Servant
Title: 7급공무원 / Level 7 Civil Servant
Chinese Title: 七級公務員
Also known as: 7th Level Civil Servant / 7th Grade Civil Servant
Genre: Romance, Action, Comedy
Episodes: 20
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2013-Jan-23 to 2013-March-28

Incarnation of Money
Title: 돈의 화신 / Incarnation of Money
Chinese Title: 錢的化身
Also known as: Money Incarnation / Money Demons / The Embodiment of Money
Genre: Melodrama, Romance, Comedy, Mystery
Episodes: 24
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2013-Feb-02 to 2013-April-21

Advertising Genius Lee Tae Baek
Title: 광고천재 이태백 / Advertising Genius Lee Tae Baek
Chinese Title: 廣告天才李太柏
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2013-Feb-04 to 2013-March-26

Title: 아이리스 시즌2 / IRIS 2
Genre: Action, Mystery, Thriller, Romance
Episodes: 20
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2013-Feb-13 to 2013-Apr-18

That Winter, The Wind Blows
Title: 그 겨울, 바람이 분다 / That Winter, The Wind Blows
Chinese Title: 那年冬天,起風了
Also known as: Wind Blows in Winter
Genre: Melodrama, Romance
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2013-Feb-13 to 2013-Apr-03

Lee Son Shin is The Best
Title: 최고다 이순신 / Lee Soon Shin is the Best
Also Known as: You are the best, Lee Soon Shin
Chinese Title: 最佳李順新
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Family
Episodes: 50
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2013-March-09 to 2013-Aug-25

The Queen of Office
Title: 직장의 신 / The Queen of Office
Chinese Title: 職場女王
Also Known as: God of the Workplace / Office God
Previously Known as: Come Back, Miss Kim
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2013-April-01 to 2013-May-21

When a Man Falls in Love
Title: 남자가 사랑할 때 / When a Man Falls in Love
Chinese Title: 當男人戀愛時
Also Known as: When a Man is in Love / When A Man Loves
Genre: Melodrama. Romance
Episodes: 20
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2013-April-03 to 2013-June-06

All About My Romance
Title: 내 연애의 모든 것 / All About My Romance
Chinese Title: 我戀愛的一切
Also known as: All About My Date / Everything About My Relationship
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2013-Apr-04 to 2013-May-29

I Summon You, Gold
Title: 금 나와라, 뚝딱! / I Summon You, Gold!
Chinese Title: 金子輕鬆出來吧!
Also Known as: Gold, Appear!
Genre: Family, Romance
Episodes: 50 (To Be Confirmed)
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2013-April-06 to 2013-Sep-22

Gu Family Book
Title: 구가의서 (九家의 書) / KangChi, The Beginning
Chinese Title: 九家之書
Also Known as: Gu Family Book
Genre: Fantasy, human, melodrama, historical, romance
Episodes: 24
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2013-April-08 to 2013-June-25

Jang Ok Jung
Title: 장옥정 / Jang Ok Jung
Chinese Title: 張玉貞
Previous Known as: 장옥정, 사랑에 살다 / Jang Ok Jung, Live in Love
Genre: Period, Romance, Melodrama
Episodes: 24
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2013-Apr-08 to 2013-June-25

Mandate of Heaven: The Fugutive of Joseon

Title: 천명 : 조선판 도망자 이야기 / Mandate of Heaven: The Fugitive of Joseon
Chinese Title: 天命: 朝鮮版逃亡者故事
Also Known as: Heaven’s Order / Heaven’s Will
Genre: Historical, thriller, medical, melodrama, political
Episodes: 20
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2013-Apr-24 to 2013-June-27

Birth Secret
Title: 출생의 비밀 / Birth Secret
Chinese Title: 出生的祕密
Genre: Family, Melodrama, Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 18
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2013-April-27 to 2013-June-23

Title: 상어 / Shark
Chinese Title: 鯊魚
Also known as: Don’t Look Back: The Legend of Orpheus
Genre: Thriller, Melodrama, Romance
Episodes: 20
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2013-May-27 to 2013-July-30

I Hear Your Voice
Title: 너의 목소리가 들려 / I Hear Your Voice
Chinese Title: 聽見你的聲音
Also known as: I Can Hear Your Voice
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Comedy, Thriller, Crime, Mystery
Episodes: 18
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2013-June-05 to 2013-Aug-01

The Queen's Classroom
Title: 여왕의 교실 / The Queen’s Classroom
Chinese Title: 女王的教室
Also known as: Class of The Queen
Genre: School, Comedy
Episodes: 16
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2013-June-12 to 2013-Aug-01

Goddess of Marriage
Title: 결혼의 여신 / Goddess of Marriage
Chinese Title: 結婚的女神
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Family
Episodes: 32 (To be Confirmed)
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2013-June-29 to 2013-Oct-13

Scandal: a Shocking and Wrongful Incident
Title: 스캔들 : 매우 충격적이고 부도덕한 사건 / Scandal : a Shocking and Wrongful Incident
Chinese Title: 醜聞:極具衝擊性與不道德的事件
Also Known as: Scandal: That Very Shocking and Immoral Incident
Genre: Romance, Melodrama, Family
Episodes: 36 (To Be Confirmed)
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2013-June-29 to 2013-Oct-27

Empire of Gold
Title: 황금의 제국 / Empire of Gold
Chinese Title: 黃金帝國
Also Known as: The Golden Empire
Genre: Political, Romance, Thriller, Melodrama, Action, Family
Episodes: 24
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2013-July-01 to 2013-Sep-17

Jung Yi, The Goddess of Fire
Title: 불의 여신 정이 / Jung Yi, The Goddess of Fire
Chinese Title: 火之女神 靖兒
Genre: Historical, romance, political, melodrama
Episodes: 32 (To Be Confirmed)
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2013-July-01 to 2013-Oct-15

Good Doctor
Title: 굿닥터 / Good Doctor
Chinese Title: 好医生
Previously known as: 그린 메스 / Green Scalpel
Genre: Medical, Romance, Melodrama, Family
Episodes: 20 (To Be Confirmed)
Broadcast network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2013-Aug-05 to 2013-Oct-08

The Master's Sun
Title: 주군의 태양 / The Master’s Sun
Chinese Title: 主君的太陽
Also known as: The Sun of My Master / The Sun of the Lord
Genre: Horror, Fantasy, Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16 (To Be Confirmed)
Broadcast network: SBS
Broadcast period: 2013-Aug-07 to 2013-Sep-26

Two Week
Title: 투윅스 / Two Weeks
Chinese Title: 兩週
Genre: Mystery, Action, Melodrama, thriller, Romance
Episodes: 16 (To Be Confirmed)
Broadcast network: MBC
Broadcast period: 2013-Aug-07 to 2013-Sep-26

King's Family
Title: 왕가네 식구들 / King’s Family
Chinese Title: 王家一家人
Also Known as: The Wang Family / Royal Family
Genre: Family, Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 50 (To be Confirmed)
Broadcast Network: KBS2
Broadcast period: 2013-Aug-31 to 2014-Feb-16